To anyone who's craving a far more liberating, expansive, and joyful lifescape...
Are you ready to get well?
Discover evidence-based, holistic alternatives for becoming happier and healthier.
Let go of anxiety, depression, and brain fog. Transform your stuckness to reawaken your aliveness in a matter of weeks, with this radical yet simple body, mind, & LIFE reclamation protocol.
Because it’s time you owned the vitality that is your birthright.
Send your body a signal of safety for radical regeneration.
And become your own health authority, for good.
“I kept getting stuck before Vital Mind Reset. I couldn’t be nice to ME. Hell, I didn’t even know how to find me…
I now feel a deep sense of being okay. Of safety and acceptance in my own skin. I don’t have to do or be anything, I simply have to allow myself to feel.
It’s so refreshing and so empowering and it’s thanks to the people and processes of Vital Mind Reset.”
– Kathleen
Inside you'll get:
Part 1 – 22 Days of Transformation
AKA all the tools and support you need to FINALLY shift your brain out of Survive Mode and move it into Thrive Mode. For good!
Part 2 – 22 Days of Restoration
Easy to integrate bite-sized, lifestyle changes that will give you back your life, your energy, and your hope.
Module 3-1: Empower
Module 3-2: Strengthen
Module 4-1: Own
Module 4-2: Sustain
And a Loving Community with...

- *Live* Opening and Closing circles with Kelly. These sessions will help you live in the field of true, life-long healing.
- Weekly coaching calls with Jamie, Kelly’s community manager and VMR grad whose life has completely transformed since integrating the protocols and teachings Kelly shares.
- A virtual platform where you can chat with and develop deep friendships with beautiful humans who are committed to evolving alongside you for the duration of the reset.
Join us for evidence-based alternatives to reclaim your health and recover from so-called mental illnesses—without drugs.
The truth is you already have the power to make drastic improvements to your health without relying on pharmaceuticals.
For nearly every person reading this right now, these critical changes to your diet and lifestyle can dramatically change your life.
Reclaim your vitality now!
Get ready to...

Boost Energy
Imagine waking up full of energy and excited to take on the day, rather than feeling chronically tired and fatigued.

Rebuild Relationships
As you reconnect with yourself, choose to nourish your relationships with friends & loved ones, as well as forge deep connections.

Relax Fears
Unwind the coil that’s been tightening in your mind and tensing your muscles. Choose peace. Breathe a sigh of relief.

Restore Health
Regenerate your body’s immune system. Feel that light inside again. Take back your body!

Balance Moods
Share your whole, life-loving self with others again. Leave the emotional rollercoaster behind.

Live Naturally
Nourish your mind and body by spending more time as nature intended.
“I feel stronger than I have my whole life—going through this process with Kelly helped me feel like I was going to be ok, that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I highly encourage everyone to follow their intuition if it’s saying to go down a different path to conventional medicine. Self Healing is the most empowering feeling, it’s been a rebirthing experience. I’ve come home to myself. I love my authentic self. It's amazing, and I truly appreciate life now.”
– Greta
Together with your new community, you'll Experience & Expand Into:
With videos, lessons, exercises, and meditations that will:
- Expose and bust the myths that are keeping you confused and sick
- Prepare yourself for healing by removing the obstacles that stand in your way
- Activate your energy, honor your emotions and stabilize your nervous system to affirm your safety
- Introduce you to the Vital Mind Reset diet with meal plans and recipes
- Help you remove toxins sabotaging your physical health and mental vitality
We’ll go deeper together to:
- Develop skills making you mentally and physically stronger and more energized
- Identify the real causes of anxiety, depression, and stress
- Learn how to hear and discern your body’s messages, harnessing your power to heal
- Connect with others who understand and support your transformation
"I had spent so much money and time on what was wrong with me, I thought why bother, I'm just going to prove myself right again and fail. I didn't think I could do this (VMR). I couldn't trust the voice in me that kept telling me I was depressed, I can’t be fixed, and I’m 'chemically imbalanced' and that it will never go away.
But, what VRM gave me was a sense of stabilization to connect with my Inner Guide, so I could listen to the voice that was always there to support my health and healing.”
“Kelly said I would have non-linear results, and I can't believe that I did it! The diet and learning from Kelly, supported my system. I felt safe to heal, and that is the gift of the circle.
The co-regulation. Until you're in it, you really won’t know that you have access to circumstances where you can just lay back and be carried by the river, and just trust the flow of your life.”
– Jamie

You already have the power to heal anxiety, depression, and chronic stress.
If you’re tired of feeling tired, suffering from brain fog or insomnia, and identifying as “sick” or “unwell”...
If you want to awaken to your body’s innate wisdom and healing potential…
If you think you've already tried everything…
And you’re ready to embrace the path of self-ownership, walk the walk of bodily sovereignty, and get clear on your boundaries…
You're in the perfect place. And you're right on time.

With everything going on in our world today, the cost of self-neglect has never been higher. Now is the time to reclaim your mind and own your body.
Learn how to expertly eliminate medication, ditch chronic disease labels, and forever awaken personal empowerment potential – no external authorities required.
With this evidence-based, step-by-step nutrition and lifestyle protocol based on decades of research. Backed by 1000s of success stories and a randomized clinical trial!
The best part? The transformation happens through radical self-care.
“I jumped in with both feet, and at the risk of sounding cheesy, it absolutely changed my life! The way I look at food now is less about my body aesthetic, and all about my mental health.
After VMR, I could just think clearer, the fog that comes with insomnia had lifted.
To this day, I stick to the diet, not for how I look, but because it’s very, very important for me to function, and be there for the people around me.”
– Kevin
The only online program with history-making outcomes of its kind...
...as featured in Dr. Kelly Brogan’s NYT Bestseller: A Mind of Your Own..
Vital Mind Rest combines nutrition, detox, meditation, and self-empowerment for a truly holistic approach to healing mind and body.
Whether you want to get off prescription meds & heal chronic illness; move through stress, anxiety & depression; or just plain feel your absolute best for the rest of your life.
Explore our program's randomized clinical trial here.
This landmark, randomized, controlled clinical trial of our online protocol, Vital Mind Reset, demonstrates the power of lifestyle interventions to significantly relieve depressive symptoms and improve quality of life in as little as 44 days.
Check out the radical, regenerative results that our incredible participants have experienced…
By the way, our generous, open-hearted community is unparalleled and will welcome you with open arms.
This revolutionary health-enhancing program leaves no stone unturned.
When you join Vital Mind Reset you'll access…
- 44 Days of Video Lessons and Practices that teach you how to go inwards to name your fears so you can start to empower yourself to move past them
- Myth busting sessions the Myths of The Protector, Body Machine, Mind-Body Dualism, and Modern Food. Because you can’t make sovereign decisions about your health if you’re stuck in the mythical dreamland (read: nightmare) of modern medicine
- Food protocols to help you learn how to listen to your body so that you can give it what it needs to energize a more vital life
- In depth lessons on how to nurture and support your microbiome and get to know your gut so you can move towards healing any inflammation and mood imbalances that your current diet might be causing
- Simple, short daily meditations that help your nervous system deal with whatever this world decides to throw at you
- A supportive container that includes weekly live circles with Jamie and two live sessions with Kelly to help you feel into and embody the energy of the field we create together
- Real talk and wisdom around how to incorporate the protocols and practices we’ll take on together during our 44 days into your everyday life once the program is over
You'll also receive...

Step-By-Step Guided Path
A 44-day, step-by-step system for reclaiming control over your moods and health.

Supportive Community
Rise up and reclaim your health and vitality in the Vital Mind Circle which includes two integrative sessions with Kelly, weekly coaching with Jamie and the loving support of other human beings on the same path as you.

Video Lessons & Meditations
Daily video lessons with Kelly to guide you through the protocols and procedures that will help you reclaim your vitality.

Q&A Videos & Workshops
Answers to frequently asked questions to help troubleshoot common pain points.

Meal Plan Calendar & Recipes
A complete 30-day meal plan including delicious paleo and vegetarian* recipes and a planning calendar.

Handouts & Worksheets
Over 20 handouts and cheat sheets like: The ‘Safe Treats’ Guide, Self-Care Calendar, and more!
Take Radical Ownership of Your Health This Fall!
*The next reset begins on Tuesday, October 3rd!*
And for a limited-time, you'll get access to Kelly’s opening and closing calls, PLUS five group video calls with our VMR Circle Facilitator, Jamie Davidson, for weekly support throughout the entire program—if you register before Monday, October 2nd at midnight!
Call Dates & Times
10/4: 12pm EDT (hosted by Kelly Brogan)
10/10: 4pm EDT (hosted by Community Manager Jamie Davidson)
10/17: 12pm EDT (hosted by Jamie Davidson)
10/24: 4pm EDT (hosted by Jamie Davidson)
10/31: 12pm EDT (hosted by Jamie Davidson)
11/7: 4pm EST (hosted by Jamie Davidson)
11/15: 12pm EST (hosted by Kelly Brogan)
We recommend using this online tool if you have questions about when these calls occur in your local time zone.

Available with Every Registration

Medication Tapering: Advice from Patients & Practitioners
Receive advice from experts and advocates—important factual and anecdotal information about what to consider prior to doing any kind of medication taper. *Program does not include a specific tapering protocol or support.

Detox Your Mood: Coffee Enema Benefits & Instructions
This bonus reveals Dr. Brogan’s ‘insider’ protocol. It walks you through the most effective way to leverage this powerful detox tool—the coffee enema.

Ancestral Diets: Personalizing Your Diet After the Reset
This bonus is designed specifically for after the 44-day reset, with insights based on Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s groundbreaking work in the field of personalized nutrition.

A Mind Of Your Own: Recorded Lecture
Watch me present the content from my New York Times bestseller to a live audience at King's College London in this 4-hour recorded lecture.

2 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Demonstrations with Nick Ortner of The Tapping Solution
These interactive videos will guide you through a technique for healing emotional issues relating to fear and insomnia, and help address some of the underlying traumas often at the root of these symptoms.

How to Transform Your Diet on a Budget: Tips, Tricks and Kitchen Hacks for Healthy Eating (E-Book)
Learn to work through the reset on a budget. This comprehensive guide is chock-full of ideas and strategies for making dietary changes affordable for anyone.
Ready to reset with us?
Be a part of this life-changing, 44-day program.
Vital Mind Reset is a deep dive into diet and lifestyle medicine. This online course delivers Dr. Kelly Brogan’s 44-day intensive protocol, which requires strict adherence to diet, detox, and meditation practices. It's a one-time purchase and lends itself to a readying for psychiatric medication tapers and healing without medications.
To recap, you'll gain access to...
- 44 Days of Video Lessons and Activities
- 8 Meditation Videos Recorded by Dr. Brogan
- 4-Week Meal Plan, Including Recipes and Shopping List
- Dessert Recipes
- DIY Home and Personal Care Product Recipes
- Previously Recorded Q&A Support Videos with Dr. Brogan & Community Manager Jamie Davidson
- 2 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Video Demonstrations by Nick Ortner of The Tapping Solution
- Ancestral Diets for Personalized Nutrition After the Reset (Bonus Module)
- Medication Tapering Resources (Bonus Module)
- Detox Your Mood Coffee Enema Instructional (Bonus Module) and
- How to Transform Your Diet on a Budget: Tips, Tricks
Join my 44-day intensive program for total mind and body reclamation.
- 44-day access to course materials
- Weekly group calls and community support during the 44-days
MAKE A SINGLE PAYMENT OF $1497Have any additional questions? Email us here!
Please note that this is a non-refundable investment. If you have any questions before joining, please reach out to us prior.

About Dr. Kelly Brogan
Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms.
Have Additional Questions?
Who is this program for?
What topics are covered?
I'm already familiar with these concepts and I eat clean. Can this program still help me?
When does the course start and how much time does it take?
Where do I complete the VMR program? Are there in-person groups I have to attend?
What is the format of the course?
What is your refund/cancellation policy?
Is this program only for treating anxiety and depression?
Will the program help me come off my medications? Do I have to be on medications to take this program?
What if I have a physical illness in addition to my mental health concerns?
Should I get permission from my doctor?
What is the diet like? What should I be prepared for?
Will this course give me meal plans to follow?
I’m vegan/vegetarian. Can I still do the program?
What kind of support does the program offer?
When are the group video calls? What if I can’t make a scheduled call?
How long to I have access to the circle.so community?
What kind of meditation is part of Vital Mind Reset?
Does this program include personalized advice or time with Dr. Brogan or her team?
What is the difference between the information in Dr. Brogan’s books and the Vital Mind Reset program?
Can I do the program at my own pace or skip ahead?
I want to join VMR now, but I can't begin the program right away. Can I still register?
How long will I have access to the program?
Can I give this program as a gift to a friend or family member?
I'm an alumni. Can I join this group?
Just imagine what could happen, if...
...instead of fighting with reality, you committed today, for 44 days, to a step-by-step protocol that has scientifically proven outcomes around quality of life, mood, and well-being? 🤔
(Hint: When we learn how to send your nervous systems a signal of safety, you’ll connect to an inner ok-ness that no one can disturb.)
What if instead of scrolling news headlines and feeling hopeless, you made a real commitment that could enliven a sense of power inside you that you never thought possible? 💭
What if today is the day you choose to move past the myths and limitations the pharmaceutical industrial complex is using to keep you enslaved and dependent and begin to trust your own intuition about what’s good for you?
What if 2023 is the year you decide to claim your sovereign health?
We are waiting here in the field of possibility. Holding the container and making space for you to come into your most potent and thriving version of yourself.
All you have to do to be ready is recognize your desire to feel better and say yes to your most vital self.
We start October 3rd, and I cannot wait to support you to reclaim your vitality.
Join us,
Join my 44-day intensive program for total mind and body reclamation.
- 44-day access to course materials
- Weekly group calls and community support during the 44-days