Craving Carbs

Craving Carbs

Beyond the likelihood of flour to contain gluten, genetically modified grains, pesticides, and unpronounceable ingredients, it promotes blood sugar instability that looks a lot like irritability and anxiety.

  • Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital found (in a double-blind, randomized way) that those who ate a meal high in refined carbohydrates had depressed blood sugar, increased hunger, and stimulated addiction-related brain regions 4 hours later.
  • For a powerful change to your mood, anxiety, sleep, and metabolism, and to stop craving carbs, eliminate all sugar-added and grain flour-containing foods (rice, corn, wheat, etc) for 2-6 weeks. You’ll feel different in one!

You can read the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition abstract yourself.

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About Dr. Kelly Brogan

KELLY BROGAN, MD, is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your OwnOwn Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. Learn More