Mystical Experience to Cure Childhood OCD

This story and related topics are explored in my new book, Own Your Self, now available for pre-order.
Last year, I had the intense pleasure and deep privilege of sitting with like-minded practitioners to take in the ancient practice of Qigong with Master Mingtong Gu.
Dr. Joan Borysenko, a beautiful, brilliant visionary in the field of psychoneuroimmunology and mind-body medicine, was a highlight for me.
I am sharing with you her remarkable story of childhood “mental illness” and not only complete recovery, but a spiritual evolution that contributed directly to the prismatic being she is today.
Interested in more insights and tools to help you Own Your Self?
My brand new book, Own Your Self, helps you discover the meaning behind your symptoms and your struggle as a way to reclaim your health and your Self. Click below to claim your copy!
“Own Your Self is an education and a medical reformation—a much-needed island of sanity in a crazy world! Dr. Kelly Brogan is a true psychiatrist, a doctor of the soul, and a guide back home to your authentic self. Her synthesis of science, deep humanity, and practical tools for well-being are crystal clear and right on target. She empowers us all to unleash the power of self-care to bring wholeness and healing.” — Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
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