Standing Rock: Stand for the Feminine

The universe is knocking. Many of us are feeling that it is time. That something is happening, right now. That we are being asked to awaken out of our slumber, turn off our distractions, and feel something.
Feeling is the beginning of possibility.
Feeling with consciousness is the feminine principle latent within all of us.
The pain and suffering that activists have been grappling with for decades is now exposed for all to see, thanks to technology and social media. While endless debates may unfold over differing opinions on motivations, justifications, and even scientific elements of a given controversy, sometimes all it takes is one experience of humanization.
One video of women whose lives have been changed by the Gardasil vaccine.
A video of people who will always wonder why they took their doctor’s advice to take a benzodiazepine.
A video of a boy who lost his life to stimulant drugs.
One of a drone strike on innocent civilians.
One of animals whose lives are washed over with spilled oil.
And now, how does this one feel?
It hurts, doesn’t it?
With the painful design of today’s accelerated unfoldment, we are left cringing at the seeming irony of a commercialized celebration of our country’s fictionalized origins (Happy Thanksgiving!) while militarized police and private sector security maim and even threaten the lives of peaceful protestors activated in defense of indigenous people. While our own president engages in magician-like tactics of distraction to mask his neglect of this most exemplary exposure of federal and corporate collusion against the people, the land, and the very Constitution. Those in the health freedom realm have noted a history on the part of the current administration of distracting the populace with politically correct gestures of social liberalism at peak times of distraction. In this way, the powers colluding with the unbalanced masculine continue to curry favor with progressive-minded people who may choose to remain blind to nefarious agendas beneath the surface.
Of all of my advocacies, many of which are polarizing and potentially divisive, it strikes me that mounting peaceful forces in rejection of corporate interests makes sense to most of us, perhaps without meaningful exception. We are watching a corporation break the law. We are watching the state of North Dakota mobilize militarized police forces to suppress those people who are asking for the law to be followed, let alone for the original people of this country to be honored. Perhaps this crisis is the most illuminating example of how our earth, and a people who have always regarded it as sacred, can no longer be desecrated in the name of technological fixes to our ever ballooning “problems” of modern life.
It's time to stop.
We can no longer continue to apply more and more of our reckless methodologies to the problems created by those methodologies. It simply isn’t working. In fact, nothing seems to be working anymore - our approach to chronic disease, our educational system, our economic system, our approach to energy and commercial infrastructure, even marriage as an institution. It’s all falling apart and being exposed for the house of cards that it has been. The endless fixes as we are promised the final sweeping cure to the problem, every time.
What is being violated in all of these instances, is the feminine principle. The greater sense of connectedness to a whole that includes us all. A whole that does not respond to violence, attacks, or domination agendas - whether it’s international relations or response to an infection - what harms the other harms us.
Native American culture has upheld this wisdom, in many matrilineal tribes that have deferred to a council of women for guidance and a connection to a more balanced sensibility in times of duress.
The power of a woman, an embodied woman, is unstoppable. This is why it is time now for women to rise, and for the men that see this, to come into alignment with this energy of wellness, nurturing, giving and maintaining life.
As a people without elders, without ritual, without community, we must look to a community that has these sacred resources in the modern day, to help us know when it is time to rise up.
Remember, though, that, as Nicholas Gonzalez told me, these are the final birth pangs of a new story being born. There is always protest at that moment of transition. Women in labor notoriously want to die and give up just as that baby is crowning. Those deeply invested in the Story of Separation will be doing everything they can to hold on, and with that, because of that, will rise the New.
Support the truth and stand for the feminine for us all!
And continue to consciously care for your own body, mind, and spirit in service of the radiant healing only you can provide this planet.
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