Browse over 500 articles on all things mind and body health related, or filter using the categories below.
A big mouth and a sharp tongue
I was seemingly born with a fire in my belly and a sharp tongue. My mind stays sharp under pressure – maybe it even gets a touch sharper – and I’m notorious for saying ...
Tears slipped down my cheeks, each imprinted with wonder. I felt neither sad nor happy. I was in the exhilaration of merging into something grand… sitting squarely in the great mystery of it all.
In Humble Awe of Human Complexity
Eastern wisdom tells us that when we think we know, we don't. But when we admit ignorance, we achieve enlightenment. The most profound part of my departure from conv...
One of my FearlessParent partners, Cornelia, shared this post by Bethany Webster with me, and I found it to be such a profound exploration of the ripple effects of the patriarchal structure we have be...
"Every time I have the thought that I want to harm my husband, I have to spend about 15-20 minutes organizing the utensils in our drawer just perfectly. It's exhausting and so disturbing. I love him...
While I am most interested in root-cause-resolution of what we are calling depression and anxiety, resulting from food intolerances, sugar imbalance, thyroid autoimmunity, nutrient deficiency, etc. I ...
While I have grave concerns about pharmaceuticals, I recognize that as long as we have a choice to engage the medical model, we should be relatively more invested in the involuntary exposures we accum...
We are so saturated with information. With stimulus. With advice. With authoritative edicts on health. A chain of gurus have come before me seeking to guide patients into the light of wellness. People...
There's nothing worse than blaming the victim, right? But what if radical responsibility is the first step towards personal freedom? What if it isn't bad genes, bad luck, that toxic relationship, or y...
Sometimes, it just takes one case to bring an entire medical construct to its knees. Because if the current model can't encompass it, then the model must evolve to accomodate the seeming outlier. Curr...
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
- Kahlil Gibran
The American Way
Productivity. Certainty. Predictability. Consistency.
These w...
Far from the sterile womb hypothesis, we are beginning to appreciate the nature of maternal-fetal communication on levels never dreamt necessary, possible, or even safe. Read what Keith Bell reports...