Browse over 500 articles on all things mind and body health related, or filter using the categories below.
SUMMARY: A 38-year old woman with a history of generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, anorexia nervosa, and PTSD, successfully discontinues all medication, and mitigates withdrawal s...
Can We Treat Graves’ Disease Holistically?
If you’re one out of the three million people in the US who have been diagnosed with Graves’ disease, you might be experiencing uncomfortable heart palpita...
You may trust me because I have an M.D. That may mean, to you, that I have information that you don’t have. I know things about your body – about bodies – that you are not privy to by virtue of your n...
I walked into my recently resumed Sunday morning dance class to hear one of the teachers, struggling to proclaim through her mask, “Freedom is the opportunity to do what’s rightso let’s do what’s rig...
There’s a phrase we all keep hearing: It doesn’t make sense.
We’ve heard it from citizen journalists, from hospital and police force whistleblowers, and from otherwise compliant and law abiding self-...
Before the emergent crisis, I had no idea I had medical colleagues who shared my views of conventional medicine as a sort of religion. But more specifically, of germ theory being scientifically bankru...
In times like these it is so easy to outsource our power to fear. In doing this, we forget that we create our reality through where we put our attention. How can we grow big enough to hold the fear, w...
In times like these it is so easy to outsource our power to fear. In doing this, we forget that we create our reality through where we put our attention. How can we grow big enough to hold the fear, w...
When your foot hurts, it can help to ask why it hurts rather than to reflexively reach for a Tylenol. Especially if the asking helps you to see that you have a piece of glass in it. With the clarity...
While we band together in challenging times, I want to offer tools that help you access greater calm from within.
My dear friend and healer, Swaranpal Kaur, recently recorded a series of meditation v...
To shed some light on the current state of affairs and to help my community adopt a new narrative — one with self-empowerment at the core — I recorded this video yesterday exclusively for my online me...
How many medications are you currently taking?
A Mayo Clinic study found that 7 out of 10 Americans take at least one prescription drug. But it gets worse…
Over 50% take two prescription medicatio...