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By now, almost everyone has heard of the human microbiome – the collection of viruses, bacteria, and fungi that play a pivotal role in our health and cognitive functioning. Also called the microbiota,...
If you know what depression feels like – the brain clouding, the flat moods, the tiredness – you’re not alone. Over 300 million people around the world have depression, and yet there’s a lot that we s...
We’ve all wished for it at one time or another. It may have been with your son who can’t sit still in school, your niece who was throwing a temper-tantrum, or a child who won’t stop crying on that red...
If you walk into a doctor’s office and tell a conventional doctor that you’re depressed, gaining weight, fatigued, having trouble concentrating, cold, and constipated, chances are that the doctor woul...
For those of you who have ever had a garden, you know the struggle. It requires hours of back-breaking work to pull out the weeds and to care for the new plants. However, once these new plants get fir...
It’s not often that something comes into your world that completely shifts everything you thought you knew about a subject, but that is exactly what occurred when I happened upon German New Medicine (...
Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food. — Hippocrates
The conventional practice wisdom is that type 1 diabetes (T1D) is “an incurable genetic disease,” implying that its sufferers will...
Let’s face it... our current medical industry loves pills.
When you go to the doctor for any kind of discomfort with any kind of diagnosis, chances are that the doctor will write out a slip of paper ...
In our culture, emotions are often seen as a nuisance, something to get over or around. Even worse, having emotions -- other than a select few positively-associated ones -- has been seen as a weakness...
More than 100 million women worldwide use hormonal contraception, and not just to avoid pregnancy. Many have other reasons for using hormonal contraceptives, such as alleviating menstrual pain, heavy ...
You board a flight for a stated destination, expecting to arrive within six hours. You can tolerate the hardships inherent in typical air travel, especially since you’re motivated by the anticipated r...
Stop crying Danny!
That tears are a bad thing is so baked into our social fabric that parents might find themselves renouncing crying without any awareness of the deeper implications. It might not ev...