Browse over 500 articles on all things mind and body health related, or filter using the categories below.
"Just take a Tylenol."
This might as well be the American mantra. It's the perspective that we have been indoctrinated to adopt - our bodies are full of annoying symptoms that can be suppressed by dr...
Oral Contraceptives
Where you look, you may find. Because oral contraceptives seized the market in 1959 and have not let go since, there has been little to no incentive to actually research the safet...
What is Oxytocin?
“The Love Hormone”. Sounds important, no? Turns out that we know very little about the hormone oxytocin, beyond that it is incredibly relevant to multiple metabolic, behavioral, an...
With 11% of Americans on antidepressants and one in four women of reproductive age, one would assume these pharmaceutical products are well-studied and clinically indicated. As I have discussed, unfor...
Because it takes 17 years for basic science research, and paradigm-shifting data to trickle into our doctor's offices, medicine today is still operating on a one gene-one ill-one pill model. A model t...
I used to be a dairy addict. When my naturopath asked me to give up gluten and dairy 6 years ago, it was approximately 2 more years before I stopped fantasizing about cheese, milk, ice cream, ricotta ...
Modern medicine has built a temple to the double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Termed interventional trials, these experiments are thought to best elucidate the effects of a gi...
Ignaz Semmelweiss, a 19th century Hungarian physician was beaten to death by asylum guards. He was committed there because he attempted to get obstetricians of the day to wash their hands before atten...
Rather than throwing medications at the ever increasing suffering of our populace, perhaps we should start asking “What is going on”?. Perhaps we should start engaging in preventive medicine. Nutritio...
Thyroid Hormone and HDT
In psychiatry, we have a long history of using high dose thyroid hormone as an "augmentation strategy" - often employed without even checking thyroid labs in the patient. As ...
What is Depression?
Was depression once an adaptive response to the environment? I'm generally of the opinion that the body doesn't make mistakes and that millions of years of evolution were in the s...
This week Dr. Kelly Brogan joins Julie to shine light on the physiology and treatment of depression. Listen in as they cover how depression is mistreated in Western Medicine, understanding it’s root c...