Browse over 500 articles on all things mind and body health related, or filter using the categories below.
A recent report from Women's Voices of the Earth explores the loopholes that allow for toxic chemicals in feminine products to go untested and unpoliced.
- Tampons and pads contain dioxins, furans, ...
Why You Need Gluten-Free
After you read this, you’ll want to know more including the how’s and why’s of a gluten-free lifestyle. Don’t miss the world’s first Gluten Free Summit, a FREE, ONLINE even
The relaxation response is the nervous system’s way to counteract the effects of stress.
- After 15 minutes of a guided relaxation tape, both experienced meditators and novices experienced up-regulat ...
As a conventionally trained, dyed-in-the-wool psychiatrist, I learned that mental illness is a manifestation of an imbalance of brain chemicals that can be largely reduced to too little serotonin and/...
A mother’s hand is the finest-gauged instrument available when it comes to assessing the presence of a fever in her child. When I felt my daughter’s head this morning, I knew her body was in a state o...
When a woman experiences fatigue, brain clouding, flat mood, PMS, and constipation, we call it anxiety or stress and we stick her on an antidepressant that she will likely take for the rest of her l...
Although the first part of this course has already taken place, it has been recorded, so if you sign up now, it will be available to you for viewing, along with the second, which is taking place live ...
I had the pleasure of being interviewed for Irina’s excellent website, I Read Labels For You, where she helps moms and families navigate the multi-syllabic ingredients in even those products touting t...
Two women achieved mood stability for 2-3 years through a very low carb, ketogenic diet. Their stability was superior to that experienced on medication, and side-effect free.
- These women ate raw ...
When I was three months postpartum my first child, I thought: when I’m done nursing, I’m going vegetarian. I had the competing impulse to cleanse my diet and to postpone restricting my diet until afte...
A tour of 4 therapeutic foods that can be used medicinally, right from your kitchen, for optimal health and relief of depression, anxiety, cloudiness, and fatigue.
Interested in step-by-step su
...The evidence that our brain health depends on our immune systems and hormones continues to pile up. Given this interconnectedness, dubbed psychoneuroimmunology, it makes sense that interfering with ou...