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Cindy was medically hexed with a Lupus diagnosis 18 years ago, after the birth of her son. In the wake of this, and because of sociocultural conditioning around the fate of someone with this potential...
- This study echoes a 2005 BMJ paper supporting the safety of homebirth and 4% (versus 40 here in NY!) Cesarean rate.
- Of 146,752 low risk women, those who gave birth at home had lower (by more ...
Lessen Your Toxic Load
In your quest to find products that support a healthy, conscious lifestyle, do you sometimes feel like you have to compromise between effective and safe? We've been led to beli...
Have we gotten it all wrong? When we can move beyond fear into curiosity, we find that illness is the body’s wisdom playing out in its own highly designed and incredibly personal way.
The labels. Dep...
If you’ve chosen to take antidepressants, it’s probably because it made sense to you at the time of that decision. But does it need to be a lifelong commitment? Anne’s journey helps us to see that com...
“Sure, I agree that cleaning up your diet and meditating can help with depression, but how can you say that antidepressants don’t work? Prozac saved my sister’s life!”
Do you know someone who suffere...
There was an interesting story floating around the web a while back, about an octopus who was able to squeeze out a tube, scoot across the floor, and slither down a pipe, presumably out to the ocean. ...
You may believe that there are some “mental illnesses” that really require medication. Top of that list is likely to be chronic paranoid Schizophrenia, I would imagine.
The story you are about to hea...
Four years ago, I discovered horrific animal abuse that senior members of my PhD lab were hiding. I burst out crying, amended the situation as best as I could, and immediately spoke out to stop this u...
We know that the brain impacts the gut and that the gut affects the brain. We also know that diet can take us a long way towards healing even long-term gut damage. But what if diet isn’t enough?
A ho...
13 years ago, my life looked very different than it does today. I was married to my best friend, had a successful career in advertising, and was planning to have a family. However, all that changed wi...
Individuals perpetrating unspeakable acts of violence is not a new phenomenon. What’s new, rather, are the altered states of consciousness induced by antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs well-...