Browse over 500 articles on all things mind and body health related, or filter using the categories below.
I came through integrative medicine as a stepping-stone to holistic care. As someone who has always had an intellectual rebellious streak, I like to question, push, and think outside of the box. Alter...
How inflammatory foods can affect your brain and lead to depression and anxiety.
A lively discussion with the nation’s foremost expert on the hazards of psychiatric treatment. Go here to listen to us find common ground and bring each other fresh perspectives.
How inflammatory foods can affect your brain and lead to depression and anxiety.
Naturopaths and holistic healers have always focused on gut health as the gateway to healing. But as a physician not specialized in gastroenterology, my involvement with gut health and ecology used to...
I’ll have the egg white omelet, please.
Since the 1950’s, we’ve been told that eating fat makes you fat and that avoiding traditional fats (i.e. butter, animal meats, lard, eggs) in lieu of indus...
I wasn’t always a clean living crusader. But pregnancy has a way of turning on that just-tell-me-what-to-do-to-get-this-right-NOW switch. Five years ago, that switch was activated for me when a friend...
Sitting in a CEDH-sponsored homeopathy course, I shared the discomfort that many of the allopathically-trained students felt percolating when the instructor admitted to a minimal evidence base; “When ...
I have written, in previous posts, about the deleterious effects of antenatal inflammation – the effects on the mother’s mental and physical health, on birth outcomes, and on her child’s risks for chr...
I remember looking out of my living room window, drawing on my connection to all the women in the world who had felt this energy before, all that were in that moment, and all that would in time to com...
What goes wrong for the 10-15% of women who feel like hiding under the covers instead of gazing blissfully into their newborns peaceful face? Is it expectations unmet? Is it hormones? Is it the bra...
When a woman has a history of severe and relapsing mental illness, but is stable on her current treatment, and is planning a pregnancy or is postpartum, what is the best course of action for her and h...